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Lincoln Longwool Sheep

their fleece is the heaviest, longest-stapled and most lustrous of any breed in the world


On The Verge Of Extinction

globally rare, facing an uncertain future

The Lincoln Longwool aka Lincoln is the ancestor to all British long wool breeds.  It was brought to Canada in the 1800s and by early 1900 was one of the most popular breeds in Ontario.   Sadly that changed in the 1950s with the introduction of synthetics and cheap imported wool products.  Today the Lincoln Longwool is globally rare and facing an uncertain future.  St. Isidore Farm raises part of the 30 breeding ewes registered in Canada. 

"A Living Square Of Wool"

developed for its magnificent fleece

Although the Lincoln Longwool is a dual purpose breed (for meat and wool), it was developed especially for its magnificent fleece which is known as the heaviest, longest-stapled and most lustrous of any other breed in the world.  Matthew Milburn in 1853 described Lincoln sheep as nothing less than "a living square of wool".  St. Isidore Farm Lincolns are raised primarily for their wool.


Lustrous, Long Wool

boasts a sheen that is hard to beat

The lustrous wool of the Lincoln boasts a sheen that is hard to beat.  When dyed it takes colour well and positively shines!  The locks are beautiful with a defined crimp and often spiraled tip.  The wool can grow between 8 to 15 inches per year.  St. Isidore Farm Lincolns are sheared twice a year to keep the staple a manageable 5 inches long for spinning.  To purchase skirted lustrous raw Lincoln Longwool fleece, please contact Kate at  She can also be reached by phone at 613-377-6302.

Versatile, Lustrous Fleece

adds strength when blended with other fibres

With a micron count between 33.5 - 45, Lincoln wool makes it ideal for hard wearing fabrics such as upholstery, rugs, throws, blankets, bags, outerwear, socks and slippers. It blends well with many fibres, adding strength to the yarn because of its own tensile strength and length.  We love Lincoln wool with an alpaca blend, the resulting yarn is strong yet smooth and silky soft.  Another beautiful blend is mohair, the Lincoln's lustre complimenting that of mohair.  To purchase skirted lustrous raw Lincoln Longwool fleece, please contact Kate at  She can also be reached by phone at 613-377-6302.









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